International Examinations

Three of the world’s leading and largest dance examining boards hold Dance and Dance Sport Examinations regularly at Euro Dance Center.
- The ISTD (Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing)
- The IDTA (International Dance Teacher Association)
- The RAD (Royal Academy of Dance)
These examinations reflect the supreme attainment for the amateur or professional dancer and are both accredited and internationally recognized.
Examinations are for both amateur dancers as well as dance teachers studying for an internationally recognised teacher qualification.
All classes and levels at the Euro Dance Center are taught within the relevant syllabus, therefore, lead to an examination. Naturally taking an examination is not compulsory, but it gives you the satisfaction of knowing that you are developing a solid foundation in your dancing from the very beginning.
For dancers, the international award system has specified criteria for each level based on a solid foundation and development of quality in your dancing. In your examination, your teacher or an experienced dancer partners you.
Examiners are independent and are leading experts in dance.
These exams are ideal for people like you who want to enjoy dancing with the confidence of knowing you look good, and who want to develop and progress to a higher level.
Examinations as a dancer are an important foundation to continue into a career as performer or dance teacher.
During exam sessions, generally both amateur and professional exams can be organised. Teachers from other schools may also enter their candidates at these sessions.
Some exam sessions are for teachers only.