10'er Card - Take Ten And Enjoy!

Do you get the feeling that work and business sometimes interferes with your social life?
For busy people like you, or those working shifts who can't keep to a regular class schedule, but don’t want to miss out on the fun, enjoyment and benefits, the solution is an EDC 10´er Card.
Your 10´er card is valid for 6 months and allows you the flexibility to enjoy your chosen group or any of your 10 favorite classes as and when you like.
Each time you come, simply give your 10er card to the class teacher and they’ll sign it off for you. Your 6-month period starts on the date of your first class.
Why miss out?
10er Kids Card
Little prices for little people!
If you are under 12, your 10´er card is available at a specially reduced price.
Ideal for children who, for whatever reason, can’t attend regular classes and don’t want to miss the benefits and fun.
Kids 10´er Cards are also a great way for taking extra classes prior to exams, shows or competitions.
The EDC 10´er card is valid for 10 groups and can be used over 6 months.